Exploring Confidence and Experience in Improvisation
Insights from Music Education Professionals
college, improvisation, music education, music major, undergraduateAbstract
This study examines the role of improvisation in music education and the challenges of integrating it into collegiate-level courses. Despite its significance in music learning, improvisation is often overlooked in school curricula. The research reveals a gap between the importance of improvisation and its limited presence in music education beyond jazz. The case study focuses on undergraduate music education students and addresses key research questions related to professors' perspectives, challenges in providing improvisational experiences, current implementation, and possibilities for further integration. Five participants, who are music professors specializing in music education, performance, and entrepreneurship, were interviewed, and observed. Data analysis identified primary themes, including confidence and experience, value, relevance, and time constraints as the main challenges to integrating improvisation. Further research will shed light on professors' views and the incorporation of improvisation in collegiate music curricula.
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