Culturally Relevant Music Remedies for At-Risk Students

A Pathway to Engagement, Empowerment, and Entrepreneurship




music education, at-risk students, intervention programs, socio-emotional development, creative expression, culturally relevant music, entrepreneurialism, online learning


This article presents a comprehensive review of the existing literature on the impact of social media on mental health. With the rapid growth and widespread adoption of social media platforms, concerns regarding their potential influence on individuals' psychological well-being have emerged. Drawing from a diverse range of studies, this review explores the various dimensions through which social media can affect mental health, including self-esteem, body image, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and addictive behaviors. The findings reveal both positive and negative outcomes, highlighting the complex relationship between social media use and mental health. Additionally, this article discusses the underlying mechanisms and potential moderating factors that contribute to these effects. Understanding the nuances of this relationship is crucial for developing effective strategies to promote positive mental health in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, J. V., & Shelton, C. (2024). Culturally Relevant Music Remedies for At-Risk Students: A Pathway to Engagement, Empowerment, and Entrepreneurship. International Journal of Health and Music, 1(1), 33–59.