Reforming Music Education: Integrating Music Business and Technology for the Modern Industry


  • Bruno George DiMatteo Miranda Liberty University



music education, reform, higher institutions, music business, technology, implementation, challenges, responsiveness


This paper explores the need for reform in higher music education institutions by incorporating music business and technology into music degree programs. Drawing from Richard Mendelson's insights and experiences at Berklee College of Music, the study highlights the complexities and challenges associated with implementing these reforms. It emphasizes the importance of responsiveness to the evolving dynamics of the music industry and the need for universities to overcome bureaucratic obstacles to effect positive changes in music education. The paper also offers advice to traditional music students, emphasizing the significance of seeking guidance, making informed decisions, and embracing music business and technology opportunities. It underscores the importance of being open to modifying plans based on feedback and personal growth, while also acknowledging the competitive nature of the music industry. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of empirical research to validate assumptions and assess students' preparedness for post-graduation endeavors. The paper concludes by advocating for the integration of music business and technology in music education to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for successful careers in the modern music industry.




How to Cite

Miranda, B. G. D. (2023). Reforming Music Education: Integrating Music Business and Technology for the Modern Industry. International Journal of Music Entrepreneurship and Leadership, 1(1).